sábado, 21 de noviembre de 2015

Let’s explore Our Universe!

I have prepared a Didactic Unit for 1st CSE students. This DU is called The Universe.

We will work through this DU in Natural Science using the English language as an instrument for teaching the subject.

The main objectives are:

·         To learn the name of the planets in our Solar System
·         To name the different celestial bodies
·         To know the difference between galaxies, stars and planets

The subject content is:

  • The Universe: its main characteristics

The vocabulary, structures and Language skills are:
Key voc: planet, Milky Way, Solar system, cycle, dwarf planets, celestial bodies…

 There is/are…
 Present Simple (ANI)
 Comparative and Superlative

Language skills
Writing: Choose a planet in our Solar System. Describe the Surface, the temperature, the landscapes and the colours.

Task(s) / Activities
Reading: PPT: http://www.slideshare.net/assasinator911/planets-of-the-solar-system-kevin-yu-9341894?qid=66a55d2f-5105-4cb1-ba6e-9fc9bd888d5d&v=qf1&b=&from_search=11
Read about the nine planets in our Solar System
Listening : Watching a video about the formation of the stars http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/science/add_aqa/stars/lifecyclestarsrev1.shtml
Writing: Choose a planet in our Solar System. Describe the Surface, the temperature, the landscapes and the colours.

For those fast-finishers students or high-ability ones: http://game.interstellarmovie.com/
Methodology and Timing

As we only have one Tablet per two/three students available in out High School, the students will work in pairs or small groups.

The tasks and activities will be done in 4 lessons.

Resources / Materials

Natural Sciences students’ books and notebook, Tablets, internet connection.
Key Competences (LOMCE)
The students will mainly develop:
1.- Linguistic communication
2.- Mathematical, Scientific and Technological competences-
3.- Digital competence
4.- Learning to learn

Evaluation (criteria and instruments)

                        To learn the name of the planets in our Solar System.
                        To be able to talk about them and their peculiar characteristics
To name the different celestial bodies.
To know the difference between galaxies, stars and planets.
To define a planet: inner or outer planet, Surface, temperature, characteristics…

Hope you like my work and find it useful! 


domingo, 15 de noviembre de 2015


Equipo, ¿cónoceis Educaplay? Una aplicación gratuita para diseñar actividades interactivas para nuestros alumnos. Hay actividades de varios tipos: adivinanzas, ordenar las palabras, unir columnas... Admiten audio e imágenes. Rápido, sencillo y bastante intuitivo.
 ¿Os animáis a preparar alguna? 

viernes, 13 de noviembre de 2015

Objetivos y Scaffolding

Siempre que preparemos una UD debemos tener claro el objetivo establecido y lo que pretendemos que nuestros alumnos aprenden al trabajarla. ¿Os habéis planteado su diseño siguiendo este esquema? Nos aporta conceptos interesantes.

De igual forma, el Scaffolding (=andamiaje) es fundamental para sacarle el máximo provecho a las actividades, creando el clima adecuada de aprendizaje.

Trabajando en la UD del curso AICLE, he descubierto una aplicación que para nuestra biblioteca nos podría venir muuuuy bien. ¿La conoceis?